Browsing tag: NaNoWriMo

December Means November Is Over!

The first of December means two things for me. The first is that it’s my birthday. The second is NaNoWriMo is finally over! I didn’t win, which came as no surprise as I previously blogged about giving up (and why that’s not always a bad thing). Also, earthquakes suck.

So to celebrate, I am posting a small fragment of The Cantia Covenant, which I have dubbed How Einar Got A Job Instead Of Arrested. Be warned: it is terrible in all the ways a NaNo novel can be. The only edits have been to fully excise the segments I would have deleted while writing, only instead struckthrough because NaNo.

What Do I Write With?

So we’re halfway through the first week of NaNoWriMo! Woohoo! And after meeting up with my fellow Wellington WriMos I have been thinking about the tools people write their novels with. We had laptops and tablets galore, and even one person who was aiming to write all 50k by hand! (In previous years we even had a person show up with a typewriter.)

I have three main writing set-ups, depending on my location: my laptop, my tablet, and my phone.

The Great NaNo To-Do List

So it’s just over a month now until NaNoWriMo. Eep. I wrote a little about it previous, and since then have made some decisions. Yes, I am going to do NaNo. Yes, I have decided what I am going to write. And yes, I am terrified.

Of course, with the decision to do NaNoWriMo comes at least a little bit of planning. I’m not talking about coming up with a great big outline, but getting a few little things done now so I don’t have to worry during the month of November. So behold: The Great NaNo To-Do List (2016 edition)!

Thinking Ahead – NaNoWriMo

We’re less than two months away from NaNoWriMo and yet it seems both nearer and further than it actually is. Then again, the year in general has gone by strangely fast – despite not much happening (at least for me). It’s a terrifying thought, that time and life is passing me by without experiencing much at all.