If you’ve visited my blog before, or even followed me on twitter, you may have noticed that I like to make covers for books. Some examples include one for the NaNo that has just gone by, and pretty much everything in my portfolio.
Browsing tag: Book Covers
I don’t even remember the reason why, or how I even got there, but somehow I ended up on L.J. Smith’s page on Simon and Schuster and I noticed something that made me – and my teenage self, many many years ago – practically bounce up and down with in excitement and making grabby hand motions.
So last week I posted The Great NaNo To-Do List, which summed up all the things I hope to do as part of my NaNo prep. It ranged from the basics, like coming up with a title (something I always find hard) and writing a blurb (something 1000 times harder still), to making music playlists and media I’m going to consume to help get me in the mood.