Browsing category Vampire Stuff

Tales From The To-Read Tower: Special Vampire Edition

So, like any good bookworm, I have a to-real pile. Although when I look at it properly – and especially if I were to add in the ebook library – it would be more like a tower. There are a lot of memes out there dedicated to showing off unread books, but if I were to give one book a week some focus it would take forever. And I suspect I am not the only one in this position. I’m also very much a vampire bookworm: not only do I have a vampire podcast, it’s my dream to travel through Eastern Europe (where part of my family comes from) and visit various locations important to vampire folklore and fiction.

5 Gift Ideas For The Vampire Fang-Girl

So my birthday Christmas is next month, and I’ve been using that fact as an excuse to trawl through Etsy and look at all the cool things I want but cannot have.

Let me tell you, there is a lot of vampire-themed items on Etsy. Like, lots and lots and lots. So here is just five things, one from a different category, to… get your blood pumping? Puns are so terrible.