If you’ve visited my blog before, or even followed me on twitter, you may have noticed that I like to make covers for books. Some examples include one for the NaNo that has just gone by, and pretty much everything in my portfolio.
Browsing category Graphic Design
So last week I posted The Great NaNo To-Do List, which summed up all the things I hope to do as part of my NaNo prep. It ranged from the basics, like coming up with a title (something I always find hard) and writing a blurb (something 1000 times harder still), to making music playlists and media I’m going to consume to help get me in the mood.
Did I get your attention with that post title? I hope so.
I like to make book covers (see my portfolio for more examples of my work) and now I have begun practicing formatting entire ebooks because that’s a useful skill to have, right? So behold the results of my first serious experiment: The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang.