EBook Freebie: The Blazing World
A thing I have been doing lately-ish is making stuff and giving it away to download for free. So far it has been a public domain fairytale ebook (with a new cover by me) and some colouring mandala because I like colouring and times are stressful.
So, in celebration of a new year, I introduce you to The Blazing World. First published in 1666, it’s a work of utopian fiction many consider one of the earliest works of science fiction. It tells the tale of a young woman who travels via the North Pole to another world filled with talking animals and, after becoming Empress, organises an invasion of her homeworld that comes complete with submarines.
The author, Margaret Lucas Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne was an incredible figure for her time, publishing her works of fiction, poetry and philosophy under her own name when many other women were doing so anonymously. In the early days of the site, Bibliodaze featured an article on her and The Blazing World and ever since I’ve played with the idea of making an epub version to make it more accessible. Plus I like making covers.

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I hope you enjoy, and please leave a comment if you download. If you want to thank me for my work, maybe make your next book purchase through one of my affiliate links in the sidebar. 🙂
This is really interesting. Even now women don’t publish under their own name or just use their initials and their last name. It’s nice to know that she was doing this way back then.
Anjulie Te Pohe