Monthly Archives: November 2016

5 Gift Ideas For The Vampire Fang-Girl

So my birthday Christmas is next month, and I’ve been using that fact as an excuse to trawl through Etsy and look at all the cool things I want but cannot have.

Let me tell you, there is a lot of vampire-themed items on Etsy. Like, lots and lots and lots. So here is just five things, one from a different category, to… get your blood pumping? Puns are so terrible.

What Do I Write With?

So we’re halfway through the first week of NaNoWriMo! Woohoo! And after meeting up with my fellow Wellington WriMos I have been thinking about the tools people write their novels with. We had laptops and tablets galore, and even one person who was aiming to write all 50k by hand! (In previous years we even had a person show up with a typewriter.)

I have three main writing set-ups, depending on my location: my laptop, my tablet, and my phone.