The Great (?) NaNo Cover Reveal
So last week I posted The Great NaNo To-Do List, which summed up all the things I hope to do as part of my NaNo prep. It ranged from the basics, like coming up with a title (something I always find hard) and writing a blurb (something 1000 times harder still), to making music playlists and media I’m going to consume to help get me in the mood.
I joke about it being one of the “important things” when it comes to writing, but making a cover is rather helpful for me. I get to look at pictures that might influence or inspire characters or tone, and it gets me thinking about the visual aspect of the story – something that I always struggle with.
So here’s my cover, in pretty mockup form[note]If you like the mockup’s look, it’s available from GraphicRiver[/note] because I like the way it makes it look.

What do you think? And if you are doing NaNo and want to be my friend, my username is Amynta. 😀 In the meantime, I am going to be trying to write a decent blurb. Trying.