The Great NaNo To-Do List
So it’s just over a month now until NaNoWriMo. Eep. I wrote a little about it previous, and since then have made some decisions. Yes, I am going to do NaNo. Yes, I have decided what I am going to write. And yes, I am terrified.
Of course, with the decision to do NaNoWriMo comes at least a little bit of planning. I’m not talking about coming up with a great big outline, but getting a few little things done now so I don’t have to worry during the month of November. So behold: The Great NaNo To-Do List (2016 edition)!
- Title
- Cover
- Blurb
- Playlist: Signed In Blood (General)
- Playlist: Untitled (Primary Ship)
- Playlist: Blade of Mercy (Secondary Ship)
- Basic location names
- Basic character names – surnames and personal
- Covenant names, titles
- List of “NPC names”
- Watch Rome
- Watch Spartacus
- Play Dragon Age 2 again
- Read. Read a lot.
Some notes on this to-do list:
- Playlists: I love having playlists for my novels. It helps me get into the head of characters and their storylines and gives me something to help me hook into the writing of a novel when I sit down at my desk. I’ve been doing this for years, even back to when I was roleplaying, and find it very helpful. Plus it’s fun!
- “NPC Names”: To save me panicking and struggling to find names for bit characters, I’m going to have a numbered list of names (which can easily be tweaked to be masculine/feminine/neuter – yay Latin) and pick one out using a random number generator. Done.
- Covenants: Social and political groups for mages.
- Watch Spartacus: As far as I can tell, it’s a show about shirtless muscular men and Lucy Lawless. I hope I am correct.
Now I don’t expect to complete all of this stuff (such as the TV and games, because those are just fun add-ons), but getting through at least a few of them will make things easier come November.
To the readers: Are you doing NaNo? If so, do you want to be buddies? And, more importantly, what are you doing to prepare?