Who Likes Free Things? I Do!

Did I get your attention with that post title? I hope so.

I like to make book covers (see my portfolio for more examples of my work) and now I have begun practicing formatting entire ebooks because that’s a useful skill to have, right? So behold the results of my first serious experiment: The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang.

For those not familiar with The Fairy Books of Many Colours, they are a series of twelve books that collect fairytales from around the world. Some of them are familiar – like Snow White, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast – while others are lesser known.

So I am offering up this epub copy of The Blue Fairy Book, cover and formatting by me. I just have a few simple requests:

  1. Please leave a comment letting me know you have downloaded it. I like to know this work is appreciated.
  2. You let me know if there are any problems with the epub, such as formatting errors.
  3. Any third item, and meet me over there. Aw, here it goes!

That sound okay? THEN DOWNLOAD!

(And for the curious, I have made the covers of not just The Blue Fairy Book but the next three books in the collection as well. So maybe for that third thing up there, just let me know if I should keep going with the series. :D)

Four Fairy Books

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  • Cait @ Paper Fury
    September 10, 2016 at 10:02 am

    oh this is awesome!! I have the Red Fairy Book already on my kindle so I shall add this blue one too it! 😀 I’m downloading it now. That’s so marvellous you put all this together and I loooove the cover.

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    • Catherine
      September 10, 2016 at 10:05 am

      Do let me know how it works out for you, and if you’d like me to continue with the series. 🙂

  • Natalie Reid
    September 11, 2016 at 10:55 am

    I have downloaded it. IT looks good and has been simple to download. No errors that I can see. I like the cover. Plan to read them to my niece but they may be a bit long for her at the moment (she is 3).

    • Catherine
      September 11, 2016 at 11:03 am

      Thanks for commenting/downloading!

      Yeah, they are a bit complex than you might initially think – after all, it includes things like the beginning of Gulliver’s Travels. I find them interesting as these are the earlier collections, so they’ve been through fewer adaptations.