Thinking Ahead – NaNoWriMo

We’re less than two months away from NaNoWriMo and yet it seems both nearer and further than it actually is. Then again, the year in general has gone by strangely fast – despite not much happening (at least for me). It’s a terrifying thought, that time and life is passing me by without experiencing much at all.

I’m not writing about my own fear of mortality, though. I’m supposed to be writing about the upcoming month of November, and the frantic typing that accompanies it. While I’m sure most people reading my blog know what NaNoWriMo means, I’ll explain it for anyone else who happens to wander into this blog.

NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, an annual event where writers from all around the word attempt to write 50 000 words of a novel in the space of the month of November. Some succeed, some don’t, but all of us get at least some words on the page – physical or digital. Me? I’ve taken part five times, and succeeded only once. Sometimes, though, it’s not about winning. It’s about getting out and meeting people, about socialising people who understand the chaos and weirdness that can come with writing. People who completely understand what I mean when I’m talking about new ideas for characters and say, “so my character told me…”

So the realisation that NaNoWriMo is upon us has got me thinking. Do I want to do NaNo? What story do I work on? How do I prepare? And so on. It’s something I am going to spend the next few days hashing out, if nothing else.

If I were to do NaNoWriMo again this year, would anyone be interested in doing it with me? We could be each others’ prep team and cheerleaders!


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