Five-Day: Vampire Songs

From five songs about vampires, to five terrible-amazing book title puns, Five-Day is the Friday-specific post series where I bring you five items on a theme. What’s the theme this week? Vampire songs!

“Transylvanian Concubine” (Rasputina)

Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer might recognise this tune: it featured in the season two episode “Surprise” and on the soundtrack. Rasputina is a cello-driven band with a love of the strange and quirky, so their sound is great for a vampire song (while the song itself is a great introduction to their work).

[su_youtube url=”” class=”align-center”]

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lyrics” class=”lyrics”]If you want to know how to fly high then go now
To a place where all the concubines
Meet and converse with them, marvel at their pale skin
Wonder how they chew on their pointy

Teeth and hair are a beauty, they know it’s their duty
To be countess in their hearts
Their minds that have to whisper, see in them a sister
Look into their eyes and you’ll be in

Transylvanian concubine
You know, what flows there like wine

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“Vampire” (Xandria)

German symphonic metal band Xandria is one of my favourite groups, and “Vampire” (from Salome: The Seventh Veil) is one of my favourite songs of theirs. It was actually this one that inspired me to do a post on some vampire songs, and in turn the idea of “Five-Day” (which was the best, and shortest, pun I could come up with). So blame it on this song, if you must.

[su_youtube url=”” class=”align-center”]

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lyrics”]
The night is blind, the mistress she is calling you
To be by her side forevermore
Follow her until her thirst is sated
An immortal lie, heart blood

Can’t help yourself, she’s got you paralyzed

So would you kiss the sun goodbye
And give your life to never die?

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“Save Me” (Jørn Lande and Trond Holter)

In its introduction, Wikipedia describes Dracula: Swing of Death as “a rock opera concept album… based in the storyline of Bram Stoker’s Dracula“. And that’s true, although it streamlines a lot of it and makes a few big changes. (It, for example, is yet another Dracula story where Dracula is in love with Mina – portrayed here by Lena Fløitmoen Børresen.) Still, for all the liberties it takes with the original story, it is one epic album.

Yes, it’s an entire album of vampire songs. And they are epic.

(My other favourite songs on the album are: “Hands of Your God”, “Walking On Water” and “River of Tears”.)

[su_youtube url=”″ class=”align-center”]

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lyrics”][Mina:]
Save me from this love, faith will save my soul.
To live a life in misery, a living dark eternity.
Save me from this love.

Why can’t you see, my bride, that we belong together.
Just die a little bit before you live forever.

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“Love Will Have Its Sacrifices” (SOLES)

The webseries Carmilla is something that I haven’t seen much of, but do intend to go back to. (My issue is I don’t really like it as an adaptation of Le Fanu’s novella, so I’m planning on going back ignoring that and just viewing it as a vampire story with a few nods here and there.) But regardless, the one thing I definitely do love about the show is its theme song.

[su_youtube url=”” class=”align-center”]

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lyrics”]We could live forever and suffer
Die as one, together as lovers
Love will be cruel to who it entices
Love will have its sacrifices

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“Der Tanz Der Vampire” (Tanz der Vampire)

Did you really think I wouldn’t include this song? If you’ve listened to episode six of The Bloodsucking Feminists, “Vampire Musicals Suck” you would know I love this musical. In fact, my only problem was choosing between this song and “Carpe Noctem”. In the end, though, I went with this one because it was the song that introduced me to Tanz.

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lyrics”]
Wir trinken Blut, wir haben null Moral.
Was aus dieser Welt wird, ist uns scheißegal.
Wir trinken Blut, wir haben null Moral.
Was aus dieser Welt wird ist uns scheißegal.

We drink your blood and then we eat your soul.
Nothing’s gonna stop us, let the bad times roll!
We drink your blood und then we eat your soul.
Nothing’s gonna stop us, let the bad times roll!

Jetzt laden die Vampire zum Tanz![/su_spoiler]

“The vampires invite you to dance” indeed…

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So that is my very first Five-Day. What are your favourite vampire songs? Do you have any that I just have to listen to? Or do you prefer your music in the vein of other magical creatures?

(P.S. If you haven’t already, enter my contest to win an audiobook. A comment on this post, or any other, gets you an extra entry!)

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